next on the list would be Travel Agenda 2011~
well since 2010 will be my last year in skool,i really hope my result can improve by then and have a cool place to do my practical training.short term planning itu penting!
so,i have to skip any family/friend plans for vacation or trip..but i'll accompany my aunt for 1 day trip to Kuching somewhere in Jan 2010 [1 day trip tak lama kan, excuse arr]
it's hard to reserve ur airline ticket a year before for getting the best price and when the time comes,i have to cancel my trip due to some examination or test or presentation.So,i'm not gonna take this risk,for sure!
insyaAllah by Dec 2010,i'll finish my bachelor study and planning to have many many trips with family and not to forget,girlfriends! For me to have a trip,especially with friends,it'll cost me more than i used to with family..yer trip,aku tahu,pergi,makan,enjoy, jer larr duit sendiri,yang lain ditanggung beres!
In order for me to fulfill my travel wish,i need to have extra fund other than PTPTN since it's for education purpose *tett tett*
Here goes my travel wish 2011:
1. Australia-backpacking-prepare fund for shopping and sightseeing!
2. Any island in Malaysia-fully sponsor by Cikembong for herself only!
3. Dublin trip with Nanad-not sure yet due to 'expensive-nak-mampos' return airline ticket!
-Nanad might be easier since she's already working..i think since my friend,Sarah will be there for studying..why not go sightseeing without having to worry accommodation and might be food??hahaha...but if u can't reach there at the first place..might as well dream about it larr kan..
4.Might be going back to Bandung and Jakarta-maybe with family or friends!
jap...4 tempat jer ker??ok..baguslarrr....tak kayap aku..but still ko tengok no.3 tue..macam mana nak cekup duitt tue????!!!planning to get a part time job throughout 2010 or maybe just for semester break..nanti fikir!
i have planned to save RM1 per day starting 1st of October to support island trip which i got carried away or just forgot and never even save how>>??
anyway,wish me luck, in terms saving more and more money and not to forget,earn more and more money!
p/s:bukan nak plan cari keje after grad,tp plan gi jejalan :b