
Monday, June 27, 2011

What's next?

This should be post out like ages ago.In need of time management.

After battling with degree life for exactly 2 years,I'm happy to announced that I'm officially a degree holder (which nothing to be fancy off!)

Never thought of it being that hard,and looking back at diploma years,made me think that diploma is nothing!!3 tahun diploma tak leh lawan degree okeh!

That was serious business! You're on your own and time management is SUPER DUPER important.And I still fail in that chapter till today.In progress,perhaps!

Logically the higher the education qualification,the harder it can be.OF COURSE! 
I'm talking about the other factors like environment,friends,yada yada yada...

In my case,I solely blame myself for not performing in my own game,my studies of course.Depression that I went thru back in 2009,skipping classes,not having 'great' relationships with lectures were part of my own faults.Oh,I slept too much I guess.

Anyway,with all the experience,good or bad,are going to be at the back of my head,just to remind me when I try to make future decision,like should I sleep or finish my job?HAHAHAH! Ok,not!

So,here goes the pictures,tak banyak sebab tak de professional photographer?-__-"

I found out that we were going to have our convocation in this new hall built somewhere few weeks before the ceremony.Selama ni dok ingat ni faculty baru.Hihi..

Much more spaces for us,parents and lights!!!!

Baru lar grand kan?

Yang tak grand nya when my convo pic tak berapa nak cantik sbb ada lady enter-frame in the pic

This exact lady was in my diploma graduation picture and my dad had to 'paint' her and re-print it.Hahaha!
Kejam okeh,siap nampak l*bang hidung!I menci!!

Eh,noticed I wore my "Lady-Gaga Boots"?OVER!!!!

Oh,this is when I went to Zet's Convocation,
I was late but FORTUNATELY bumped into her at the stairs and apalagi,snap ah!!!

Dah lar tak beli flower ke apa,sah OVER I nie!Sorry Zet!

Oh,I managed to catched her diploma and degree graduation,Vangga okeh *Kembang kempis hidung*

She also came to my graduation and somehow didn't upload our pictures together.Must be either her or me looking bad in the pictures.Biasalar kitaorg mmg mcm of us tak cun skit,terus delete,hahaha!

Anyhow I'm still contemplating on my current job.What's next?

Till then,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

Amazing Muar!

I have to admit my main reason for going back hometown and willingly to went thru all the not-so-good moment in the bus was to EAT!!

Ok,other than visiting atuk and atuk.I called both of my grandparents atuk.No nenek.It's Atuk-*insert name*.

1 to 1 with Atuk,talked about life,work,business and balancing both.

Back to food,craving for fried seafood balls/fillet..yang buat kick tu adalah sambal nye...

I belanja lar my cousins brother and aunty at the same time..had another stories on my aunty seorang nie..

 My aunt with the purple scarf and beside her is my mom,such a contra okeh!

 Brothers and cousin brothers

Anyway,can't get enough of the food larr..I sumbat sumbat and keep on sumbat!

Such a Muar-fan okeh!Pasal makan,memang FAN!

All you can get at Tanjung Emas *wink wink*

Other than that,went to wedding somewhere in Pantai Layang.The karaoke sessions was so not appropriate.

At least on lar tape lagu-lagu buat karaoke session to public and nyanyi lagu sedih..tak ke TAK SESUAI??!

Atuk Ris buat senaman on the way ke rumah pengantin.Time ni lar nak bersenam,Hehehe!

I think that's all for now eventho tajuk I tak-boleh-blah tapi post pendek gile!

Till then,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fall Asleep-Cab Driver-BTS-Mayang Sari-Unlucky me

Amacam panjang tak tajuk?

I think I made such an impromptu decision to go back hometown alone,freaky early in the morning..not to mention by bus and taxi(to get me to the terminal)

Anyway,just wanna spare my ample time writing my so-called first time experience and it's not a good experience I would say.

Bought the bus ticket approximately 17 hours before departure and picked the earliest trip I can get with RM16 fare to Muar.

*Excited excited-siap plan balik keje-nak pack baju,basuh baju,idai baju,gosok baju and kemas bilik*

Abuk satu apa pon tak buat okeh!

In the end,I OT-ed for 2 hours and fall asleep after having a short phone call with Big Boss (Oh,maybe I TER-fall asleep,as usual).Don't forget,on the couch and in front of tv!

Bad cause my so-called-air liur-basi boleh terkena sofa baru mama and the TV was on all night.Bad bad bad!

But Good too as the sound of the TV woke me up 30mins before the taxi comes.Or maybe the hand-cramp made me awake.OF COURSE I started to panicked and time tu jugaklar tummy nak buat hal kan!!!!!!!!Takpe,boleh call driver bus suruh tunggu,cakap I lambat sakit perut!!!!!Walaaa weii..


Called a cab and I just don't know why,this cab driver used the LONGEST ROUTE to reach BTS (Bus Terminal Selatan) and I was looking at my watch literally every seconds!!!


Then,unlucky me of not having the perfect RM10 notes and made me changed at the tix counter (dah takut kena tinggal bus lak kan!).The ticket girl vavi tukar duit RM10 koyak and I don't know either she gave me less 1 freaking note or the taxi driver took extra!!

Pepandailar ko jawap ngan tuhan!

Ooh,lari lari lari!!Sempat gelabah gate mana nak pergi and pheww..the bus still there.Cun jugak BTS nie(Ala-ala LCCT bila dah masuk departure hall okeh!).

Just that everybody were already on the bus,staring at me while I was walking to my seat,which supposed to have a seat number and apparently it didn't!Buat penat je showed off kat I masa purchased ticket 17-hours before.

"Miss,sila pilih tempat duduk"

"Ermm,..amik seat 15 lar"

AGAIN! Abuk pun tarak!

*Gelabah gelabah sebab cari seat tak jumpa,last2 settled tepi tingkap sebelah amoi*

Ok,budget dapat tidur the whole journey TAPI HAMPEH coz  

Mayang Sari 


Dah tak de keje terbangun sepuloh kali

Nasib I bawak shawl and tariklar langsir so that it doesn't drip on me!

Lastly,the bus is not an express bus as it made the first stop at Melaka Sentral to dropped off few or maybe most of the passengers there before heading to Muar,what a way to cut down cost huh?

I guess that's the end of the miserable bus trip.Next time,I should pick "Maharani" instead.(Transnasional is not an option as it has hard-not-comfy-chair)

Sorry it's not a pictorial post,i just don't have the mood,you see

Till then,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

She's 24 too!

24th Birthday Surprise for Zetti .

It was last minutes planning which used all sorts of plans.Plan A to Plan Z!!If the first one doesn't turned out ok,lets move or THINK ON THE SPOT for next plan!That's how things were on that very day.

 Each of  our drinks that day can be considered as a disaster or at least 55% failure!
*Learned not to put high expectations on drinks*

Went to Delicious,OU to celebrate and have our priceless moments together before I and Big Boss went to his family dinner that day.

Love u girls!To the max!

Nice waiter he was,willingly asked his managers on giving us plates for our -cupcakes-which-not-from -Delicious

Qila's Drink

Zet's drink,looks the same with Qila,taste total opposite

Big Boss's drink

Fadi's drink,quite nice

Cupcake Chic

Cupcake Chic-2

Birthday Girl

Me with Zet

Fadi with Zet


Qil-qil with Zet

ooh,Camera guy :)

To Zetti: May Allah swt bless you,always!~

Sunday, April 17, 2011


I had a hectic week,with PCE Exam and shift rotation..Jangan mention lar unbalanced hormon/mood

However,my pending lists keep on reducing,InsyaAllah nak slash it off by this week

Sebab someone is coming back home 


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Big Event


Yesterday Big Event went well and will be updating my blog with more stories

Now,it's time for study as I got PCE Exam this Wednesday and I haven't started anything yet! Eerkk!!

Monday, April 4, 2011


I'm quite angry with Air Asia right now, as I'm so freaking ready to charge my card in order to purchase a super-important-flight-ticket and I keep on seeing this!

I menci!!!!!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


My hometown kat Muar,Johor...kalau sebut tu,sebutan :
Muar jadi Mu-or..hihihi

Anyway,bila balik kampung,mesti dah sedia list of foods,PANJANG!!!

And a must-place to visit ialah Tanjung Emas,which I panggil Tanjung je.. oh,Big Boss's hometown pun kat Muor,tapi dier kata dier tak pernah pergi Tanjung nie..Serius TERKEJUTT!

Orang Muar tak tahu or tak pernah pergi Tanjung nie,serius lar rugiiii..!!

Sebab ada makanan yang best..!!


 ABC Special

 Lai Chi Kang Terbaik!

 Rojak Petissss!SUPERRBBB!!!

Fish cakes and fish balls with chili sauce.AWESOME!!

Mee Bandung Muor!Specialll!!!!

Eventho' pictures tak sebanyak list yang panjang tu,namun ia akan direpeat bila I balik kampung.Promise!hehe..

Minggu ni nak balik Muor,tak sabar nak makan makan and keep on makan!!
Ada Premium Beautiful Corset and Lacto-Lite,tak risau larrr ;p

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dut Dut

Hi Semua!!!

Tengok saper yang baru balik sekolah agama,dengan TANGAN YANG PENUH DENGAN MAKANAN??!!

Jeff kembali lagi!
Geram tau bila every single time fix kan songkok dier,
mesti stay kat kening tu..

cover abis dahi tu!!

Yang penting,duit sekolah kena RM2 utk both sekolah,
sebab setiap sen tu ada je benda yang Jeff ni belanjakan..

Kadang2,yang dapat benefit tu my mom and me sebab dier ingatkan kitaorg,dapat lar jajan setiap seorg :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I sebenarnya minat sangat nak travel ni,TAPI tak minat betul nak gi MATTA Fair.

Sebab apa?

Sebab ramai orang and tak leh nak decide which offers yang terbaik..

Somehow aunty I decided ajak jugak I ke MATTA Fair kat PWTC baru-baru ni and we ACTUALLY PURCHASED something kat sana.


ok tak??Hihi..takde larr,beg ni dapat free lepas bayar RM3 for entrance O.o

FOR TWO!!!!!!

Plan asal nak ke Brisbane,Australia so,leh turun kat Gold Coast TAPI sayang pulak dah sampai GC tak ke Theme Park.
Tapi kalau dah pergi dengan aunty I,masuk Theme Park tu kira membazir lar kan..So,tak perlu diikutkan nafsu kebudak-budakkan tue..

Then decided to go for Sydney sebab nak snap pic Opera House tu jer..hihi..then,mulalar fikir apa pulak nak buat selain shopping kat Sydney tu..PLUS tix ke Sydney ni pulak mahal semacam kan..

Last-last tukar plan ke Melbourne sebab dapat nice price "Free and Easy Trip for 2" :
arranged flight tix (with meal,baggage weight and etc) + accommodation + Visa =RM3xxx

We opted for "Free and Easy" sebab tak suka lar nak kena terkejar-kejar bila dalam package and in the end rasa bosan..Kami ni ala-ala adventure lar konon,nak try local transportation,local food (halal je),and others..

Kalau masuk group tour,nak kena set time brape hours je boleh lepak at each place,kalau lama-lama nanti,kena tinggal..susah!

Memandangkan Aussie's rate ni quite mahal,terpaksa fikir banyak kali untuk book flights and accommodation separately,even stay hostel pun costs us AUD30 per night. We don't really mind tidur at hostel sbb kami travel bukan untuk tidur.Tapi takdelar sampai duduk hotel 1-2 star kat Msia ni,yang ala-ala curiga je nak step-in.

Now,my job is to create itinerary for Melbourne,kalau sempat + murah,boleh singgah Sydney sebab NAK JUGAK snap pic with Opera House tu!

*Sesiapa yang dah pernah jejak ke dua2 lokasi ini,silalar kasi idea psl public transport and etc*

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Nampaknya birthday I tahun ni disambut awal (AWAL 9 BULAN!) sebab Papa Din dah kasi hadiah I..

So,nanti hujung tahun,I bolehlar wrap cantik-cantik 'gift' tu and PRETEND macam baru dapat,boleh?

Hihi..So,nak tahu apa???


Nikon S4000 with 12.0 MP untuk menggantikan camera digital Canon S200 yang 2.0 MP je..

Alhamdulillah,murah rezeki Papa Din hadiahkan I

Bila fikir-fikir balik,macam mana seorang ayah/ibu MAMPU berikan anak-anak harta benda macam ni sedangkan anak-anak hanya dapat hulurkan RM100-RM200 sebulan untuk parents..

Sebab I pernah merasa hidup susah masa awal-awal my parents nak survive kt KL dulu,sebab tu bila dapat hadiah macam ni,rasa Syukur and Insaf sangat sebab kadang-kadang tu,I layan dierorg macam nak tak nak je..

*Sorry selingan tetiba*

InsyaAllah dengan camera baru ni,rajin-rajin lar I meng-snap pics and paksa orang snap pics I guna camera ni..HAHAHAHA!

Friday, March 11, 2011


I dah lama teringin nak ada clutch,tapi sebab macam rasa tak penting je..terus malas nak fikir utk beli..

Tapi,biasalar time umur-umur 23 ke atas ni,ramai lak member tunang or,nak gi event takkan nak usung beg macam boleh hide extra lauk..

So,I bought one from my friend,usha-usha FB pictures dier and berkenan,bayar je larr..

Dier nak let-go most of her stuff sebab bila dah beli tak pakai,lebih baik dijual ..
I bought Aldo Clutch which cost me around RM45 je.
Rest & Relax blouse which I rasa mcm tak muat tapi InsyaAllah dimuatkan around RM30 kot.

For me,it's a total saving,time and money ;)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Wadi Hadramawt

Sabtu baru-baru ni,my grandparents datang KL,untuk engagement nephew mereka (which I tak attend sebab tak perlu nak ramai-ramai,tunggu wedding), so bila dah ramai-ramai berkumpul,mulalar idea nak makan apa untuk dinner itu muncul..

Antara suggestion nyer would be at Wadi Hadramawt.I tak pernah tahu kat mana or restaurant apa tapi dengar nama je tahu it's a Middle East Restaurant.
They said they watch TV3 ke apa pasal this place.

Katanya ada banyak branch,so we drove to Jalan Ampang branch. They shared the place with Mofaz,so,80% of parking area tu memang penuh ngan branded cars yer..jangan tertipu disitu.

Meh layan pics before I write more on  my review :

Top : Given by lovely Zet
Jeans : Baby Phat 
Shoes : Crocs 
Handbag : Rotten bag from Sabah

Ok,sebenarnya takde lar reviw sangat, sebenarnya  that was the 1st time I makan Middle East food and from my experience,it didn't suit my taste bud... :( sebab I suka kuah-kuah..kering-kering tak mau!

And I guess sebab this place maybe dah popular,going there on a Saturday night was not a good choice sebab full and they have lack of staff..

Bayangkan,kami makan semua tue WITHOUT drinks,not even air kosong sebab order sampai lambat...rasa macam nak keluar gi Petronas sebelah Wadi Hadramawt and beli air je.. Me and my mom order special cocktails and kitaorg tahu bila order kitaorg tak sampai2 and last-last minum lar Mint Tea yang comel cenonet tue..

The ambiance were great sebab feeling-feeling kat Arab lar walaupun kena kumpul duit nak kesana kan..Hehehe!

We got the chance to sit at 2nd floor and masa naik tangga tu perasan lar dier letak frame pics with Mantan Perdana Menteri,Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi and Mantan Permaisuri Agong,Aishah.

Overall,I rate this place as 3.0 over 5