
Saturday, January 23, 2010


assalamualaikum :)

miss me?hikhik..i just wish you're

my last post would be early of the month and follow up is end of the month.At least I'm updating.

wanna update about the latest trip I had with my aunt,just the two of us..for sure,I was sponsored to skipped my classes and my industrial training briefing.

Went to Kuching,Sarawak for 2 days and 1 night.Don't ask me why it was so damn short for such a long journey[the flight was 1 hour &45 mins].Anyway,the main purpose[s] were to find the F>A>M>O>U>S Ikan Terubuk Asin and Kek Lapis Sarawak.

The last time I went to Kuching was in 1999,such a bad holiday moments to remember[maybe gonna story about it later,when it's relevant].So in 2010,after 9+ years,we created new memories of Kuching!

Kuching International Airport

Last time the airport wasn't this good.Now it's like mini-KLIA!When we arrived,its already raining and the flight was shaky[pening flight macam penat menari dangdut ala2 inul].The flaw that I experienced was there's N>O ATM Machine at the waiting hall,with Chanel and Famous Amos in the building!!!Not good!Some how I don't wanna use my ATM Debit Card which left me kempunan for Famous Amos on the way back to KL.

Harbour View Hotel

The hotel is a 3/4 stars hotel[definitely more than 2 stars and we don't expect it to be luxury for a short trip] and located ermm..around 5 minutes of walking to Kuching Waterfront.We only took cab to airport and to Pasar Satok,other than this,work my legs off!

The golden building is not a mosque which i thought at first.It the state building!I wonder if the employees stay at the other side of the river,they would have to cross the river EVERY working days![exclude with cars].I guess that is normal :)

Upon arrival,my aunt took a nap around 1 hour and me watching HBO while waiting for the rain to stop but it doesn't look like it would stop.We ate lunch and we realized that there's only ONE Muslim restaurant in the town.There are also some sort of Cafe' along Kuching Waterfront but it were closed during the day.

Shop houses along of Kuching Waterfront.

I dont even know what "Tebaloi" means,snapped 'asal dapat je' :) Thinking of buying the batik flip flop but tak nak larr berangan jadi Japanese tetiba.Majority of shops sell souvenirs and shirts which I dont even care to buy since no budget for it,unless some one asked for it and nak ke pakai lagi T-Shirt tulis "Kuching" or "Sarawak".Nowadays,nak pakai paling tak pun, Hard Rock Bali kan..huhuhu...

We bought our Kek Lapis along these shop houses,seriously confused which patterns to pick since everything tasted the same[for me]. RM10 per cake but if you buy around 8,they will sell it around RM70-75.Murah ke?plus box!hihi..

There's also air-conditioning bazaar at the Kuching Waterfront which sell the same thing with the shop-houses along the road.I just wonder how do they survive in their businesses.The India Street that we went 10 years ago was absolutely different from what I've shown you above.The environment used to be like along Jalan Brickfield or Jalan Masjid India.Even the mamak stall dah tak macam mamak?India Street dah modern i guess..

We ate dinner at some Cafe' along Kuching Waterfront and I ordered Sirap Bandung,sedap! and Thai Fried Rice.Picture above shown Fried Rice with Fried Terubuk,my aunt ordered that. That was the only pic that my aunt snapped that has me in it!serious tak der camwhore session if walk with my aunt nie..

We went to Pasar Satok the next day before flying back to KL but somehow we were lazy to snapped some pics..

And yeah,the next day would be our departure day to KL.Exclusive snap shot of my sponsor to Kuching!

I just not into these cultural or nature thingy,so I guess, Kuching tak ngam with me!Just for the sake of buying Kek Lapis Sarawak or Terubuk Asin,2 days and 1 night would be more than sufficient. :)

The End

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Environment

I should publish this post beginning of January,but since my priority is sleeping[other than driving to classes],I'd to postponed this!

I have a big age gap with my siblings and so does between each of them.As the eldest of 4,which makes me "Along"[ which i don't really likes it,most of the time!],i had experienced some good and bad things before others[my siblings].The goods include traveling more and new stuffs while the bad,don't bother to remember right now.So,of course i could remember most of my siblings' childhood or their growing up moments.

As for year of 2010,i can once again have new memories to be store/experience!

First,my 4 years of gap-only sister got a job in a travel agency after completed her studies.Eventho' she's my only sister,i don't really think I'm quite close with her,I just don't know why.I always envy of others that can have good-close r/ship with their sister[s].Anyway, I'm happy for her since she knew what she's gonna do in her life.May Allah swt will lead her way to success!And yeah,she's experiencing the public transport moment!Good for her,hihi!

Second,my 10 years of gap-brother had entered Form 1 in his new school!I went for his orientation day, as my parents' rep.Anyway,that day went erm..not so good, but i managed to snapped few pics which makes me realized i don't miss school!ihihi..

Beratur satu-satu!

Time to shoot some pictures! ;)

Lastly,Aiman's turn to go to pre-school!He goes to the same pre-school I went when I was 5,but he enrolled when he's turning 6 this year [either aku tak pandai,kena masuk awal or dier terlebih pandai,dapat enrolled lambat!] I was on MC so,being elected as a 'video-girl' and 'camera-girl' tue dah biasalar kan..!

Anyway,there are few pictures that i managed to snapped!


That building was where i learned my ABC,just that they upgraded it now with aircond.
The smell is still the same,the pre-school's smell!hihi

Aiman's class is Ungu Petang [love purple!] and some of his shots where he needs my parents with him thru out the class!Bapak aku kata time aku dulu lagi teruk than this,where i even sepak the teacher!!okeh,enough with my past!

Playground time!
actually,dier sesuka hati jer nak main playground nie time orang lain still dalam kelas!

adalarr dalam 3-4 times!

Ala chomel!'menggesel' kat parents !
kesian En. Haru,kena jadi murid tadika for a while!

Anyway,nie larr benefit jadi the eldest child!Leh kutuk adik2 biler dierorg dah besar!hahah!

Monday, January 4, 2010


in this post, i mentioned about what I'm going to do with something that i got . Something here means i got RMxxx to buy whatever i want for my diploma graduation gift.Senang kan nowadays,dapat duit as a gift!

After quite a long judgment on what to buy,[eventho' i knew what i want from the moment i got the money],just what brand I'm eye-ing for. Taraaaaalalala...


It's time to try the Farmasi Ball Blusher without having money concerned.This is where the term of 'Splurge' came into my mind.RM49.90 for a blusher?Cause this could be the highest amount of money i ever spend on a make-up item!Well,it worth every cent i paid for this!I opted for bronze rather than pink blush.

I went to Point B! in Summit USJ,where i met with a very helpful SA and to hear that they're having 15% sale on each product!A very good timing to shopping
I bought above items at Summit and Mascara at FCC counter in Amcorp Mall which the SA wasn't helpful[compared to Summits'] and no 15% sales?!
SA in Summit kept on giving her opinions on which product is more suitable for my skin and etc but for SA in Amcorp just answered my questions with minimal info that doesn't helped me,at all!
What a waste..if only FCC in Summit have re-stock their mascaras ):
I think that the SA did said the mascara is water-proof but i experienced no problemo to wash it out compared to Maybelline's.

Anyway,i didn't spend all RMxxx on above items since it entitled for 15% discount.Lebihan duit tue buat joli larr..

Sunday, January 3, 2010

December : Month of Gifts!

December is my month of gifts! I'm 22 on the 20th,and jangan ingat Christmas jer dapat gift! I was lucky to celebrated it with my family,cousins,aunts,uncles and grandparents[weh panjang lak list] during previous Family Day in PD!

Aku memang suka part-part gifts nie...really a way to save my money!

isn't this cute? the 'Y' terlekat to some other prezzie.

Elianto's organic shower gel and Marks& Spencer's Hand Cream
I'll have no more excuse for being 'bacin' and rough hands!Kunun!
Given by angah & family

Camior and pack of Toblerone [my sibs ate most of Toblerone!] to make me look so 'healthy' in real life and Elianto Lip Colour.
Given by uteh& family.She saw my comment on FB about what i want for my 22nd!

Blue scarf by Ayah Long&Family
Pink long sleeve with Lancome Lip Gloss[the lip gloss really makes my lips 'juicier'?!]

Last year,i got 'Elle' handbag from this person.This year, a Sembonia purse.
Complete set aite.[Tetiba rasa 'matured' with this collection!]

L>O>V>I>N>G the red-studded bag!
Given by Big Boss,his sister sells bags,mostly handbags and she got this fresh from the supplier!
Love at 1st sight~

Nowadays,birthday gift isn't that surprising huh..i actually gave hints or just said what i want for my birthday so that people wont give me something that i wont wear/use.Except for Food since i can finish it within seconds,days or months..[ok,i lied about months,hehehe!]

now,i'm grateful i was born in Dec!