It's been a week since i came back from vacation...really excited to post it here right away when i got home but due to certain reasons and a lil' bit of laziness,a post being put on hold. It's actually a family day[for my mama's side],not a pure vacation to me."Meaningful" is all i can describe it because this is the first time after so long,we gathered together as a family.
After few weeks of preparations and meet-ups, the day arrived. On 19th of Dec,after battling with luggage[s][as always!],yelling and massive traffic jams in Seremban, we arrived at the venue eventho' turned to the wrong way with GPS??!

The resort was Super Cun, it felt like we're in our own community. The resort were divided into 2 areas where each area has its own swimming pool and our area are nearer to the beach!Just imagine that this resort is in 8-shape coz that's the nearest i can think of to describe it.
There are what shud i say,minor flaws that i and family experienced at our toilet where the toilet seat wasn't working and the shower area wasn't in good condition.Other than these,we're happy customers!
There are what shud i say,minor flaws that i and family experienced at our toilet where the toilet seat wasn't working and the shower area wasn't in good condition.Other than these,we're happy customers!
Back to the time-line, we had our hi-tea once everyone settled with their houses,luggage,kids and etc.We were given a tag,with our name on it of course,to be wore all-the-time thru out the family day.Comel jer! Each of us got ourselves a goodie bag, with a mug and a "good morning" towel in it! We even have a banner in front of the resort,another banner that can be carry to our activities spot!How comel was that??!Giler ahh...feels like real family day during school days!

What else to do other than dumping urself into the swimming pool while its still raining,hehehe..seriously,i'm not the master mind!That was the 2nd time i wore the swimming suit that I bought in Bandung,last June! We have our Maghrib and Isya' together before celebrates my cousin,Syaza Yasmin's Sweet 16th! Her birthday was actually in November but i guess her mom wants her to have Sweet 16th with us!awwww...!jealous!"MAAA,why i didn't get homemade cupcakes?"

I was being elected by my grandma to be a dance instructor,more to Poco-poco dance,a week before the day!
At first,suke arr..then,when the day comes,huwalawei!!Semua mcm tak nak ikut je apa aku buat!!
Of course i practised myself,on the day i was leaving KL for PD!Gilor apa!hehehe..actually i'm being paired with my aunt,where we're just on the same phase in practising ourself poco2!In the end, we don't even have to try our best since most of the 'followers' are senior citizens where they did their own style of Poco2!!
Me in the pink-purple sweat pant-Warm up session!
At first,suke arr..then,when the day comes,huwalawei!!Semua mcm tak nak ikut je apa aku buat!!
Of course i practised myself,on the day i was leaving KL for PD!Gilor apa!hehehe..actually i'm being paired with my aunt,where we're just on the same phase in practising ourself poco2!In the end, we don't even have to try our best since most of the 'followers' are senior citizens where they did their own style of Poco2!!

I was so scared,more to terrified until i can't get a proper sleep the night before these and suffered flu! Scared that i'll wake up late or scared of people watching us doing these!! The sessions started around 7.30am and oh my,ramai larr pulak jogging time tu! And...they don't bother us doing gedik-moves nearby the resort,great kan..hihi
Had breakfast after an-hour of moving around,lost few pounds/might be inches jer..then adding few more kgs with iced milo and mee-hoon sambal!!Continued with swimming at the beach and pool,then,get ready for Games Session!!
I'm the champion of "lari dalam guni" edisi khas!
Had breakfast after an-hour of moving around,lost few pounds/might be inches jer..then adding few more kgs with iced milo and mee-hoon sambal!!Continued with swimming at the beach and pool,then,get ready for Games Session!!

There were a lot of games planned,played and the only game that we didn't managed to play was volleyball becoz it started to rain,heavily!I won above category,yer larr...against senior citizen and guys!must berkobar2 nak menang!Thot of winning Limbo Rock but i'm just too tall for it,buweekkk!!!ooh and my Team A won "Tarik Tali"!hihi..
Then,came the night we ALL have been waiting for [ok,except for kids and might be certain teenagers],KARA-OK babyy!!budget nak nyanyi lagu Nicky Ardilla,then the DJ said it's not listed in his Data??!!ok nvm,lastly i sang Dangdut wokeh!Lagu Mas Idayu lagi!!heheheAnd and and got me 2nd place in Female[Individual] Cateory,wohoooo!!!Might be DJ tu tergoda>?? >_<>
that's the ONLY pic while i'm kara-ok-ing and i won 2nd place for singing different song than showed
[macam leh dengar kat blog nie!]
I thot that my job as Poco2 dance instructor shud be over the next morning and i purposedly woke up late to avoid the duty but damn,terperangkap after my mom said "duduk tepi pun takper"!memang larr aku kena repeat balik steps yg ingat2 lupa tue..!
Since that was the last day for the event,which i supported all the way,even for having breakfast!Yesszzaa!!
this would be "all-together-except-for-papa-&-farah" picture.
[aku yang semangat Hawaii and sunglasses segala!]
since mama snapped a picture of employees of the resort,and "aku tak tahu nak buat apa dengan pic ini" situation,
i''ll let this as a welcoming pose for future visitors ;)
[ever wonder,how do they take care of their skin kan?? :)]

and last but not least,no words can describe our loves and wishes to both of you.Thank you atuks!
[boleh percaya aku joined dierorg menari ?][tapi aku mungkin tak menari sambil tidur]
hehehe..okie..kiddin' larr tok!
Then,came the night we ALL have been waiting for [ok,except for kids and might be certain teenagers],KARA-OK babyy!!budget nak nyanyi lagu Nicky Ardilla,then the DJ said it's not listed in his Data??!!ok nvm,lastly i sang Dangdut wokeh!Lagu Mas Idayu lagi!!heheheAnd and and got me 2nd place in Female[Individual] Cateory,wohoooo!!!Might be DJ tu tergoda>?? >_<>

[macam leh dengar kat blog nie!]
Since that was the last day for the event,which i supported all the way,even for having breakfast!Yesszzaa!!

[aku yang semangat Hawaii and sunglasses segala!]

i''ll let this as a welcoming pose for future visitors ;)
[ever wonder,how do they take care of their skin kan?? :)]

and last but not least,no words can describe our loves and wishes to both of you.Thank you atuks!
[boleh percaya aku joined dierorg menari ?][tapi aku mungkin tak menari sambil tidur]
hehehe..okie..kiddin' larr tok!
I guess that wrapped up the story on my weekend getaway with familia.Can't wait for next round!
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