
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Major Flu

After a syiokkk dinner yesterday night at Rak Thai, me went down with a flu and more flu. Yer larr, dah belasah all sort of dish,which may include belacan or some sort of shrimp paste in it.

Well, i guess my sinus came back after few weeks or maybe months of not having major flu. This time, sangat serious. Ohh yeah, after few times applying powder and blusher,tetiba ada signs of pimple on my face! Benci lar.Now, dah stop pakai apa2.

Back to main issue,I've been thinking of getting a surgery to treat my sinus. YouTube certain videos, and some how scared!! Another part is when should I make an appointment for it? Haih..

Wanna make use of medical coverage provided,especially memang dah sah sakit je keje nyer!

Tapi takuttttt??!!!

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