
Friday, June 11, 2010

Bloody Cold!

Assalamualaikum & Olla people!

It’s been 2 weeks since Aiman left hospital and 3 weeks in working environment. Fully occupied and rest-less weeks explain everything! I’d put up a sticker on my blog!!Yippie yippie yeahhh!! Which end up soooo tiny but I don’t mind. J

First thing first, Aiman is alright now, he never wants to leave the hospital at first and he became so-called popular over there. Ko ingat tu hotel apa??! His diagnosed, I guess, has to do with allergies. He enjoys sleeping, having breakfast on bed, tv right in front and cute nurses..oohh, and friendly & cutie “neighbor”.

Next, still postponing blog about my Weekend Getaway with Miss Aqillz. Waiting for the movie! Hmm,alasan!

Eerrrmm… started my practical training and realized that I’ll be working under Subsidiary Company under Faber Group. Not in the Faber Group itself. Noticed that when I read my offer letter, again, while filling up the forms. Hehehe..from 20th floor down to 1st floor! Turns out that this subsidiary company is much more fun than the one that I thought at first (Faber Group).

I got my own cubicle and drawers and phone and desktop. And and and a Chinese Manager, Malay Boss and Indian CEO in ONE office!! Soooo 1Malaysia! My supervisor is a friendly women who aged, I guess a lil’ older than Mama and acts like my grandma!! Seriously sebijik! In good way of course! She’s nice and she love saving!!! So ideal with mua!! (Maybe I’m more to kedekut,hihihi) Havoc seh department I! There's time I went up to level 20 cause there's where Finance Dept for Faber Group are, sangatlar senyap sunyi dan sungguh nak tidur!

I’m the youngest in the department, since I’m just an intern. Majority of the staffs are women, so I got gang for lunch, sometimes breakfast! Hehehe…but they can be annoying to me when they keep on chatting about the same topic which I don’t involved with . For example, the company will be having family day soon but as a trainee, I’m not eligible for these thing. What’s left for me is just listen to the same topic until that Family Day goes by. Then, I wonder what will they be talking about after the Family Day! Of course,what happen at the Family Day stories!

Expects to have a boring learning session about organizational charts and so on, but they proved me wrong! I GOT TASK TO DO, LIKE A LOT ! Filing and filing and more filing for 1st week. STOPPED Key-in data times (darab) PLENTY and circulate until now because the person in charge of these tasks already resigned from the position since March and they have been waiting for new one. Lucky me, she saves me from boring-ness on the 1st day of work. Kira tak makan “Allowance-bebuta” larr. Alhamdulillah!

I usually arrive quite early every day because I have issues with parking, so wanna have good spot for parking + cheap rates; it’s a must to come early. It’s either the RM5 flat per entry or DBKL parking. I surveyed that DBKL parking is much cheaper than the RM5 flat rate, so I asked my mama’s help to change exactly RM100 to 50cents coins. Hope it can last till the last day of my training. Office mates said that the DBKL officers usually come around 10am-1pm to do check-up. Siap observed okeh!

Just realized that I keep on going to ladies frequentlyin a day and I blamed on the air-cond! Pepagi dah full-blast, kejam! So, it can be used as a training for winter holiday somewhere when I’m rich :b

I guess enough with long SPM essay and juice u up with PICTURES!!! One of the reasons to come early so that I can snap pictures without being judged as a JAKUN!

My AREA! 2nd day dah excited bawak mug,pen holder and mirror sendiri!

Our cubicles are facing the CEO's room

1st door from right : Pantry then Head of Dept.'s room.

That blue papers make me sick! As in cough and sore throat.

That's all for now. Insya Allah will update Getaway's story!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

cikembong,sile install chat widget @ shoutbox aku leh jerit kuat2 kt blog neh..huhuhu

jeling2 gak blog aku 1 g oke