
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Bleeding Nose (Not the shoes brand)

Assalamualaikum & Hi!

Happy weekend for you? Me, 50-50!

Had fun with girlfriends for sleepover at Zetti's house and damn, I looked like a sun-burned maid with that mask on!On the other side,me had my flu back and bleeding nose at the same time. That was scary! OOh,going back home with clothes every where in the room was so unpleasant.

Oh yeah,weekend is almost over and going back to work is bluuwerrk! First, I'm anxiously waiting for my allowance but at the moment, I have less than RM20 to eat,fuel and my driving license already expired,like 2days ago! Second, I can't stand the cold-ness of the air-conditioning in that office! Giler "membunuh"! At one point, I just sat there,and numb for few minutes! Plus,ironing working clothes/kurungs is soo hassle and uurggh!

Suddenly, continuing my Master study is in my options for planning after degree.Like what?! I love having a job after freaking many years of studying but having to work 5 days a week and not having enough socializing with friends is so NOT anti-depression solutions! Maybe I'm in the comfort zone where I can have choices to skip classes and spend time in movie or malls.With education loan,almost every expenses that I made,I paid with it. This will continue if I continue my Master,i guess!

But maybe,I wont do Master*at the moment*cause erm,I don't like school. So,working it is!

What's next? I think it's already been a week that I don't touch any of my make-up stuff,
compact,eye-shadow or even mascara,you name it! Sayang okeh when every time I passed by the rack where I put all my make-up, I just think when can I where them again? In the mean time,my certain food restrictions wasn't going that well.Darn it! Maybe that;s explained my bleeding nose*kot* andaian tak hengat! Specially when you lives in your parent's house. She will cook every thing so nicely until you can't resist a thing! *alasan again*

So, I think I should starts ironing my clothes right now cause at 1am,there will be a long call for me *harapan*. Then,off to bed!


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