
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

1 More To Go

Assalamualaikum & Hi!

I have one more final paper to go this Saturday and I'm done!Super excited on whatever planning for my 2 weeks break!(Which I don't have one yet!)

Anyway,I just want to share whatever feelings that I felt through out exam weeks (Eventho' my exam officially ends in 3 days)

Did you guys ever feel sooo freaking hungry while answering exam or test? I ALWAYS DO!

I had my breakfast today,quite a heavy one I'd say, Fried Rice X 2. Then,sat for 3 hours paper.The first 2 1/2hours was fine then I feel that I wanna have "my moment" in toilet. Since we were seated on a big stage in the exam hall(facing hundreds other students),it was crucial for me even to stand up and walked straight to toilet.After all that settled, I sat at my place to finish up the questions that I left blanked. The moment I sat after I went to toilet,terasa giler lapar weh!!

Starting to imagine this 1 item during exam didn't help much,seriously I'm starving!

Whatever Sandwich from Subway!
(image googled)

Cepat tul breakfast tadi dihadam!Haih! Masuk exam hall leh bawak bekal tak??

Another part where I started to feel so super duper lazy to write.I even imagined it would be easier if whatever I'm thinking that time can be transfer to exam sheets right away.That's how bad was my lazy-ness!Alasan : Banyak dah menulis sepanjang hidup nie. hehehe!

And yeah,I did realized this semester I only studied any subject a day before the exam and Alhamdulillah I can answer my papers. Not that I'm saying I'm super genius. There were time where I starts to crap whatever I can think that time and I started to feel regret,wishing that I should start revising earlier! This happens all the time,can't miss that! I guess my study mode was buried deepppp inside my heart...Hikhik.

Maybe you can share with me your experience in exam hall?Must be hilarious aite!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

KAK td xley jwp sbb jiwa kcau..ase nk nanes!!!
tp sy pon lapar time 2 sbb dh 2 ari xmam wndu ns n sy wndu SUBWAY