
Friday, February 26, 2010


Assalamualaikum :)

Well,I'm actually in process of editing my pictures for my blog[yippie yippie yeahh]. So,I'm just filling my free time [which I'm suppose to finish up my assignments] to just ask you or maybe anyone,

Sopan sangat ke kalau aku bagi salam bila ber-sms?Or salah ke kalau bersopan?

Eg: Aku :"Assalamualaikum ______, bla bla bla bla".
___ : "weh apahal sopan sangat sms ko nie??"

I think we're supposed to do that kan, ala2 pembuka kata larr least it's an afford to worship Islam,bosan larr nak ber-wei,ber-hoi,ber-hey..get what I mean?

I think that its up to the individual how they worship their religion,but in my case,this is how I do it..tak banyak skit pon jadilarr...bukannya tak leh nak ber-hi or whatsoever,tp salah ker kalau beri salam jugak?

I'm learning each day,I hope you do too...

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