
Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Last Saturday,my company held an event at Sunway Surf Beach.It's for Rewards and Recognitions untuk employees in 2010..

So,I bernasib baik as a new employee leh tumpang makan and entertainment free. Yipppie!

Arrived there around 5.30pm coz kena buat dance practice with actual stage yang ermm..KECIK je..and DEKAT pulak tu ngan audience..sah kecuttt!!!

Agak-agak audience leh nampak lubang hidung tak?? O.o

Dress from Nichii, Flip-flops from supermarket in JB.Huahaha!

Door Gift : Dapat Note Book GBM,chomel!

Ni lar stage yang comel lagi cute tue.

Ketika hari masih terang: inilar dance floor untuk audience menari bersama

Ni leh feeling ANTM sekejap : Bye-bye skit

Getting Ready #1 : Serabut I!

Getting Ready #2 : Manly Make-up

Food Stalls for the event : SUPERB!

With Manager & Workmate

FREE Art Paint

Eye-shadow for the night :Manly Palette Inner eyes = Silver, Turquoise and outer eyes = purple with black with NO fake eyelashes.

Around 8pm,event dah start with surprise act by all the VP in the department,then ada boring shows sebab tak ada related with Hawaii sangat..BORING!

Selang seli with penyampaian awards and lucky draws..Macam dah selalu rasa tak lucky bila time lucky draws..betullar tu,tak menang apa2..SEDIH!

Tapi ada orang tu menang besarrrrr!!

My trainer !!

IPAD !!!!!!

Pastue mula lar semua menyesal sebab tak offer diri jadi girlfriend dier awal-awal..hahaha! I tak minat IPad tapi ada lar skit jeles tue...HAHAHA!

Tengok!! Kan dah menyesalll...??? Hehehe!

Our dance show, I can say would be the highlight of our night,or maybe THE night becoz siap dapat standing ovation! 

Tak caya?? tak caya sudah,...I tahu I tak tipu ;p

Ooh,sebenarnya ada after party TAPI I better keep it to myself..kang controversy je..

Conclusion : The day starts at 5pm and ends at 2am,macam working hours lak,tinggal event ni tak yah menghadap computer.

1 comment:

zsa zsa said...

We had a great nite Tasya!!! We should do this once a month ker apa...hahahaha :)