
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Is this 4 REALLL?!

Assalamualaikum & Hii!!

Guess what??!!

My final examinations are OVER!!! Yeeaaahhaaaa…!!! No more exam weeks and no more hmm…carry marks and stuff!! The only thing to do after this is pray (sungguh-sungguh) to get good results or at least pass examinations so that I don't repeat the same subject again!

So, I have another 2 weeks of relax, rest, leisure, social, mingle and do what-ever I want!! Then, I'm off to practical training, office hours, strangers and act sopan!hahaha! Not to forget, crap-ping in thesis!!

Talking about practical training ; hey, it was tiring and annoying and stressful moments in searching for a freaking place! I was excited at first cause I already have this planning where I want to have my internship but then, months past by without any replies. I send copies of resume and application letter to many companies, yet there're no responses, AT ALL! I starts to feel the *silent* stress and sometimes cried when I told Big Boss about it.

Anyway, things are ok now and I took all 4 months of searching, waiting and waiting again as challenges Allah swt gave to me. Syukur Alhamdulillah! Maybe I should use my 2-weeks break to search new wardrobe style for office-work! Cari je lerr,tunggu PTPTN je lar baru leh shhoopppinnnggg!!

Other than that, there is only one planning to hang out with classmates which maybe a picnic + swimming +get dark+ food+ snap
controversy pictures. Will update it when it happens. WWuuu….Duit takde,Jalan NAK

OOOHHH; I just bought the 1st Mother's Day gift for my mama-sita!! 1st here means for the 1st time okeh!! HISTORYYY!

Will update another post 2morrow (InsyaAllah) about Mother's Day Celebration! JUST WAIT FOR IT

Out for TV and FOODDDD!

Assalamualaikum & Tata!

1 comment:

Jari Berbicara said...

cik perot kembong...
tahniah!! walopon lewat 3 ari abis final dari sayer..
good luck utk result nnti k... huhu